Episode 103: Mindful Parenting with Dr Genevieve Von Lob

Episode 103: Mindful Parenting with Dr Genevieve Von Lob

​Mindfulness: actual science, or hippy dippy nonsense? How do you stay in the moment if the moment's sh**? And what's the best way to increase your sex drive? Answering all these questions is the brilliant Dr Genevieve Von Lob!
She's the author of the ace 5 Deep Breaths: The Power of Mindful Parenting, which is out now. We talk about some of the issues she covers in the book including how to be a more confident parent, and the importance of being kind to yourself.

Genevieve shows us how to do proper deep breathing, and explains how it can help in tricky situations, from dealing with toddler tantrums to talking to grumpy teens. Then there's some sex chat, because goodness knows we can't get through a whole podcast without a bit of filth.
 Do check out Genevieve's book, it's great. And you can follow her on Twitter @drvonLob. Her instagram is @drgenevievevonlob.
The Scummy Mummies book is OUT NOW! We hope you like it, and if you do, we'd love an Amazon review!
**SEE US LIVE** Come and see us in Rugby on 12 July, Bromsgrove on 16 September, Sutton Coldfield on 7 October, and at various festivals throughout the summer. To buy tickets, and for more dates, visit ScummyMummies.com.
We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. Please send your confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com and visit us at ScummyMummies.com. If you like the podcast, please tell your friends!
Thank you for listening!

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